Got a few things tended to that were causing me a great deal of stress…
Caught the tail end of some breaking news where pics got picked up.
And had an interesting assignment! It was a feel good day!
Dang.. One almost has to be thankful for the hardships at times because when things go well.. they just feel so much better than they would feel if thing went right all of the time!
I mean I think I’d enjoy life if I wasn’t under so much stress all the time… but certainly love, appreciate and acknowledge the “better times” even more after several crappy days.. weeks, whatever .It’s like a refreshing rain shower after a long drought!
So what did I shoot today… ?
Well.. there was a head on collision in Aylmer Quebec this morning where the police found a loaded weapon in “the driver at faults” car. The guy is in critical condition and no details known yet.
I captured part of the investigation.(
The second thing was a hearing impaired woman got kicked off the Quebec city bus (while bus was in Ottawa) because she had a hearing dog to assist her. So I did a feature shot of her for the Citizen…
I hope her success in her campaign with human rights commission I tell ya!
I remember one day I was with my daughter at bus stop where the low dip bus wasn’t on schedule.
A regular bus came along, pulled over and my daughter and I went to co on the bus, Me with detached wheels and my daughter with folded chair (it’s a small sports chair) The driver said ecstatically NO! NO! You can't bring that in here and slammed the door on me catching part of me and a wheel in the door as he closed it. He opened it a bit, I backed out freakn on him asking what the heck?.. you can’t do that! (no swearing at all either) he shut the door and sped off where I lost my balance and almost fell back into the side of the moving bus. My daughter had to grab me!
I was SOOOOOOO shocked and upset! I couldn’t stop shaking!
There was another hour to next bus so we went about a mile down the road to a busier street.
I complained to OC transpo.. they assured they’d follow up and get back to me.. they never did!
Freakn miserable dirt bags!
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OC Transpo needs some serious sensitivity training about accommodating people with limited mobility. I've lost count of the times I've seen elderly folks with walkers left at the side of the road because there were already three or four baby Hummers taking up the whole front of the bus. Now, I'm a mother myself and I do realize that people with babies need to get around as well, but can we please get reasonable about the size of stroller that can be taken on a city bus? When I was living in Montreal and my son was a baby, I either had him in a carrier or used an umbrella stroller. No Montreal bus driver would have EVER let anyone get on with some huge stroller and take up the priority seating at the front -- because priority seating was for people with limited mobility, not hale and hearty young people who for some reason need to have an $800 stroller to take their baby to doctor's appointments.