Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 17 - A pic a day

Had a great weekend with my daughter and my postings the past couple of days were taylored to suit her span of interest. haha
As I mentioned Satuday, She said she'd read them more if they wern't 90 paragraphs!
I'm really going to try and condition myself to trim the postings down.
I guess if I was reading someones blog it'd better be interesting if I'm going to read 90 paragraphs.

I'll hold out that sort of thing until Africa trip actually starts.

This blogging is quite interesting and I'd really recommend it to people that have something to say.
Good or bad .. just let it out!
I never did a diary or journal before except for in grade 7.
The teacher made us write in a journal every day but guess what..  I could never keep it to one page like I was supposed to! I know that's hard to believe.
My daughter had to do one all through graded school and it was my favourite thing to go through at the end off the year. The interprutations of events and goings on were always entertaing, amusing, cute and even quite moving.

A diary always seemed to me quite dangerous. Id say to people freaking because someone read their diary..don't ever write anything you don't want someone to read.
I know it's a personal place but it's a leaked thought and some people get pretty leaky!

I'll close today with this...
I've decided on the weekend to go out every day and capture a print worthy image.
Whether it's news or exhibitable. (if anywhre at least in house)
I'll post a couple of shots from Saturday and Sunday.

If you care to buy one...  Please do let me know!
All revenues generated through my blog will help fund my trip to Africa:)
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